It’s News Time 🔔 | February 2022.
It's News Time 🔔 | February 2022.
Feb 28, 2022 • 5 min read • Download article

First of all, we’re deeply happy to have seen so many of you reading us last month and we thank you very much! 🤓
Today, we are proud to announce that our series of articles on NeuroErgonomics is officially open 🚀
Interesting topics about their application on cosmetics 💄 or
even mental health 🩺 are on the way, so stay tuned to our
We believe that technological innovations can have a real impact on healthcare, that’s why we are and will be
participating in events to help change things for the better.
Summary |
NeuroErgonomics 📝 |
MedInTechs Exhibition 📆 |
IT4Anxiety Hackaton 💡 |
Let’s talk about NeuroErgonomics
#Blog 📝

The use of NeuroErgonomics in product design optimizes the symbiosis between a product itself, the human experience and its environment.
At myBrain Tech, we are convinced that NeuroErgonomics can develop a new paradigm of product design. That’s why we tell you more about it every month in a new article posted on our blog.
Stay tuned to learn more about different applications of NeuroErgonomics in cosmetics, aeronautics and in many other industries, coming soon.
The first article here >>
myBrain Tech’s news
#Events 📆

Meet us at MedInTechs! 📆
The emerging need to integrate the latest technological advances from science and digital is rapidly transforming our approach to medicine.
We are honored to attend the next MedInTechs exhibition which will take place on March, 8th and 9th 2022 in Paris.
We will reveal our SaaS Neuromakers analysis platform that allows Healthcare professionals
to decode brain activity and mental states of patients in real-life conditions.
Find out more informations >>
IT4Anxiety Hackaton 💡
Last month, we shared an amazing experience for the benefit of mental health at IT4Anxiety Hackaton.
We worked shoulder-to-shoulder with professionals and patient representative to build a useful solution to optimize the detection and monitoring of anxiety disorders.
The core of our discussions about the therapeutic relationship between a patient and practitioner, enabled us to better understand the medical needs expressed in the anxiety domain.

© 2022 myBrain Technologies, All rights reserved.
50 Avenue Claude Vellefaux
75010 Paris
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